
Showing posts from January, 2022

Influencer marketing for construction and renovation.

While the influencer marketing market is maturing in France, it is still not very present in the field of building and renovation. (Article updated in 2020) In this article, we will try to give an overview of influence marketing in the construction industry today and identify the existing influencers in this sector. What is influencer marketing? Influencer marketing for a company consists of promoting its services or products through people who have the power of recommendation to consumers. These "influencers", mostly digital, have a large community on their social networks (Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat…) and thus can “influence” the purchasing decisions of their fans when they speak positively of a product or service. This phenomenon has really taken off in recent years thanks to the growing popularity of Instagram. How is land calculated in Marla? Marla is among the land estimation units that are normal in the Indian subcontinent. In the event of a large Marla, 1 Karam is e...

A blog for a craftsman, is it useful?

  At a time of massive use of social networks, some people wonder if a blog is really useful? When we talk about the blog, we often think of something old-fashioned, not very topical. Yet blogging remains a formidable weapon to get quality traffic to your website. I've always heard that. Besides, I started late and that's already what we were saying at the time. Blogging certainly doesn't have the popularity of social media today, but it's still a staple. For me, a blog is a privileged and more relaxed place where you can share in a unique way. On social networks, there are too many side signals that disrupt concentration. It goes fast, (too fast sometimes) and we can't share technical content in depth. Today, after a long process (I started in 2011), I have traffic of about 400,000 visitors per month, made up of individuals looking for information on the work but also of beginner professional electricians and confirmed who are interested in the tooling part. ...